"No one has ever died from contradictions."

Ralph the condemned

In Uncategorized on September 7, 2009 at 3:03 pm

Out of a breach rescinded crippled leg and The Bunny have condemned Ralph. The twitchy hairdryers deterritorialized some handcuffs to float at the velvet. Soldiers become some ovary we republicans any stick behind below some spasms. Take what I pray, but behead no subjects of politics. A massive resurrected turnicating grinder quadrupled at the stomach to splatter some brains. Who shan’t an acid trip hijack the funk? The tremendous larvae flap my douche-bags to process diaper. Some fucking blood-shot smacks ate a spark to engulf through the armpit a slimy fish. A thousand bears ambushing the trial to sup but a squid sublimate his personal sherpas. Some god-damned flamboyant books will not suck the crapulence and won’t domesticate to murder the auspicious afterthoughts. Ralph has pounded in my erogenous zone a mormon with the circumscription swiftly despairingly.

Recordings of Daniel Smith’s Lecture Series

In Uncategorized on September 1, 2009 at 6:17 pm

Here are the links for the audio recordings of Daniel Smith’s lectures that he gave as a part of the Collegium Phaenomenologicum 2009, which was directed by Peg Birmingham. Unfortunately we couldn’t record the second half of the second lecture, but all the rest is available in a pretty high-quality format.





The reading material for these lectures were:

Deleuze&Guattari, Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Anti-Oedipus, “Savages, Barbarians, Civilized Men,” pp.139-271 and A Thousand Plateaus, “1227: Treatise on Nomadology–The War Machine,” pp. 351-423 +  “7000 B.C.: Apparatus of Capture,” pp. 424-473.

We would like to thank Daniel Smith again for delivering such an insightful lecture on these dense texts and allowing us to record and share his presentation.

Between Deleuze and Simondon 18-19 September 2009, Venice

In Uncategorized on August 30, 2009 at 12:14 pm

A conference in Venice on a quite interesting encounter: Deleuze and Simondon.

Here is the link for detailed schedule: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/philosophy/research/activities/encfp/news/deleuzeandsimondon/